In Loving Memory
of Shirley Rollinson Johnson
May 23, 1936 to October 18, 2016

Memorial Service for Shirley Rollinson Johnson
October 22, 2016 Village Baptist Church
906 S. McPherson Church Road, Fayetteville, N.C. 28303

“Amazing Grace”.....................................................Congregation
Welcome and Scripture..........................Rev. J. Nickolas Smith
“In The Garden” ......................................................David Crow
Message ...................................................Rev. J. Nickolas Smith
“Blessed Assurance” .................................................Congregation
Benediction.............................................Rev. J. Nickolas Smith

Robert Farr, Phil Iman, Stewart Bryant, Mike Slater, Rick Evans, Jeff Kirby

The World Would Be A Nicer Place
If We Traveled At A Slower Pace

Amid stresses and strains much too many to mention, And pressure-packed days filled with turmoil and tension, We seldom have time to be 'Friendly or Kind' For we're harassed and hurried and always behind - And while we've more "gadgets" and "buttons to press" Making leisure hours greater and laboring hours less, And our standard of living they claim have improved And "repressed inhibitions" have been freed and removed It seems all this Progress and Growth are for naught, for daily we see a World More Distraught - So what does it matter if man reaches his goal "And gains the whole world but loses his soul" - For what have we won if in gaining this end We've been much to busy to be Kind To A Friend, And what is there left to make the heart sing When life is a Cold and Mechanical Thing And we are but puppets of controlled automation Instead of "joint heirs" to "God's Gift Of Creation.”